Debunking Common Curcumin Myths: Why Liposomal Curcumin

A wooden tray holds fresh ginger and turmeric roots, half a lemon, a whole lemon, and a vibrant orange mug filled with a yellow liquid, garnished with a mint leaf.

Curcumin is building a reputation as one of the most powerful wellness-boosting nutrients on the planet…and it’s also great for spicing up your curry. 

Curcumin, the active ingredient in the turmeric root, has been used for centuries for its health benefits. 

But there’s a lot of hype and misunderstanding around this colorful compound. We can put one myth to bed right away: a huge number of studies have found that curcumin is ridiculously good for you [1].

Curcumin is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Antioxidants are like the body’s detox agents, hunting down toxins called free radicals and preventing damage to your cells. Curcumin’s antioxidant powers have been found to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer [2]. 

Curcumin also helps reduce inflammation by blocking certain molecules that play a role in the inflammatory process. Inflammation is a natural process that helps your body fight off invaders and repair damage. However, chronic inflammation damages your body and has been linked to most chronic health issues [3]. 

Despite its benefits, there are many misconceptions about curcumin, especially when it comes to supplements and how to use them effectively. 

Unlike vitamins and minerals, curcumin only comes from one source—turmeric. So, the easiest way to get it is to take a curcumin supplement

Unfortunately, most standard curcumin supplements are not very effective, so taking them is a good way to waste curcumin and your cash. 

To get the most from your curcumin (and it’s got a lot to give), you’ve got to separate fact from fiction and learn how to unlock this super-antioxidant’s benefits.  

Myth 1: All Curcumin Supplements Are The Same

One common myth is that every curcumin supplement works the same way. But that’s not true at all. 

Studies have found that standard curcumin supplements often have poor stability and low absorption rates, meaning your body can’t use them effectively [4]. 

Taking these basic supplements is a waste of money, and it leaves you without the curcumin you need to feel great. Liposomal Curcumin, on the other hand, uses tiny fat particles to deliver curcumin directly to your cells. 

These fat particles, called liposomes, protect curcumin as it passes through your digestive tract, helping you absorb up to 10x more. 

So, when it comes to getting the most out of your supplement, quality matters a lot. Choose liposomal curcumin for maximum benefits.

Myth 2: “You Need Black Pepper”

You may have heard that you need to mix black pepper with curcumin to unlock its benefits. 

This myth contains a peppercorn of truth: black pepper contains piperine, which can boost curcumin absorption [5]. So, if you’re eating a dish made with curcumin, such as a curry, go ahead and crack that pepper generously. 

If you’re taking a supplement, pepper won’t do much. Liposomes are much more effective at boosting curcumin’s availability. 

Thanks to its liposomal delivery system, Manna Liposomal Curcumin already has high bioavailability, so your body can absorb it efficiently without any extra help. 

So, while adding black pepper to your curry is delicious, you can skip it with your liposomal curcumin supplement and still get all the benefits.

Myth 3: “But I Eat Turmeric”

Curcumin is a wonderful ingredient to add to soups, curries, beans, salads and many more dishes. But the amount of curcumin in turmeric is quite low. 

To take advantage of any possible health benefits, you need much higher doses that are often only achievable through supplements. 

Just a little over one teaspoon of Manna Liposomal Curcumin contains 250mg of curcumin. By comparison, one serving of curry contains just 15mg of curcumin. 

Turmeric is not made of pure curcumin. In fact, it’s only about 3% curcumin by weight [6]. That means 1000mg of turmeric contains just 30mg of curcumin. 

So, unless you want to down 25 bowls of curry per day, a curcumin supplement is the way to go.

Myth 4: “I Took Curcumin for 5 Days and Nothing Happened”

When it comes to nutrition, patience is a virtue. 

For example, it can take over 9 months to feel the effects of taking the essential mineral magnesium if you’re deficient

Curcumin is also a nutrient that doesn’t work instantly. Consistency is key here. Curcumin needs time to build up in your system and work its magic. 

Think of it like planting a flower—it won’t bloom overnight. Take a curcumin supplement daily, and over time, your body will thank you. 

Also, remember that curcumin may not make you feel like a superhero—that’s not the point. It helps your body do its job better, which may improve your mood and energy levels and prevent chronic conditions as you age. 

However, if you’re dealing with inflammatory issues, you may notice a huge difference after taking curcumin for a couple of months. 

Myth 5: “Curcumin Hurts My Tummy” 

If you’ve experienced some gastric discomfort after taking curcumin, you’re not alone. Some people get a mild upset stomach from curcumin. 

It’s a common side effect. 

Luckily, not all curcumin supplements make you queasy. Liposomal curcumin is easier on your digestive system. 

In the liposomal formula, curcumin nutrients are encapsulated in liposomes that are easier for your body to digest. Curcumin remains in its liposomal pod until it’s delivered to your cells, where it works its magic. 

So, if you’ve had belly gurgles with curcumin before, give liposomal curcumin a try. Your tummy will remain tame, and you’ll absorb way more curcumin than you would with basic supplements. 

Myth 6: There Are Long-Term Usage Issues

Are there risks of taking curcumin long-term? Some curcumin contains oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stones. 

If you drink adequate amounts of water and have no history of kidney stones, you shouldn’t worry about taking curcumin. 

Taking calcium, which binds with oxalates, is also a good way to deal with them [7]. If you have a history of kidney stones, you should be fine too, but check with your doctor before adding curcumin to your supplement routine. 

Luckily, liposomal curcumin often contains lower oxalate levels compared to raw turmeric – in fact Manna’s Liposomal Curcumin is oxalate-free! 

So, you can enjoy the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant perks of curcumin without the worry. 

Stick to high-quality  options like Manna Liposomal Curcumin for safe, long-term use. 

Myth 7: Curcumin is ONLY for Joint Health

Many people love curcumin for its effect on joint health. 

Studies have found that it can improve symptoms of arthritis and delay its progression, and because many people suffer from arthritis, curcumin has made a name for itself as a joint supplement [8]. 

While it’s great for easing joint discomfort, that’s just the beginning of curcumin’s benefits

Curcumin has also been found to support nerve health, boost digestive health, enhance brain function and promote cardiovascular health [1]. 

And even that’s still just the tip of the iceberg. 

Research on curcumin is ongoing, and new benefits are discovered regularly. It’s like a multi-tool for wellness! 

With liposomal curcumin, you’re tapping into a wide range of health perks, all packed into one tiny supplement.

You May Need Curcumin More Than You Think

Curcumin is a powerhouse antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient, and people need those two benefits more than ever in America. 

Studies have found that the American diet is highly inflammatory, causing millions to develop chronic illness and pain [9]. 

Americans also consume far too few fresh fruits and vegetables—the best sources of antioxidants [10]. Many of us are overloaded with toxins and inflammation, and we’re not getting the necessary nutrition to put our bodies back in balance. 

Curcumin may be the answer. 

Obviously, it’s only part of a balanced diet. Still, research suggests that curcumin effectively fights against the most common health issues, from obesity to heart disease to diabetes and even stress [11,12]. 

This Swiss-army knife of supplements does serious heavy lifting for your health. 

Just make sure you take a form of curcumin your body can actually use, such as Manna Liposomal Curcumin. It’s designed to deliver curcumin directly to your cells, ensuring you get the most out of every dose. 

Manna Liposomal Curcumin is made with high-quality ingredients, free from unnecessary fillers and crafted for optimal bioavailability. 

It also comes in a tasty liquid form, so you can say goodbye to those spicy capsules and giant pills. Just one teaspoon a day may help you conquer inflammation and start feeling like yourself again. 

Try Manna Liposomal Curcumin now. It’s one of the simplest and most powerful steps you can take to better health!


Turmeric is the plant in which Curcumin is extracted. Turmeric root contains only 2-5% Curcumin, so to receive the same amount of Curcumin as one serving of our Liposomal Curcumin, you’d need to consume a considerable amount every single day. In addition, it wouldn’t have the vastly increased bioavailability as our liposomal delivery provides.

Curcumin has been shown to have multiple benefits, including: being a powerful antioxidant, supporting proper nerve health and function, liver health, digestion, cardiovascular and heart health. 

It also promotes healthy blood pressure, blood lipids and can help with post-exercise muscle soreness and inflammation. There is even evidence that it can help those with anxiety. Curcumin arguably has the widest range of benefits of any nutrient.

Without applying liposomes to your supplement, you’re taking away the opportunity for your body to absorb all the nutrients you’re putting into it. Vitamins and minerals taken without an aid, such as liposomes, are consumed with no way to protect itself while traveling through the harsh GI tract. 

Liposomal encapsulation significantly increases the volume of fragile nutrients reaching their ultimate destination; your bloodstream.

No, turmeric contains only about 3% curcumin by weight. To get a beneficial dose, you would need to consume an impractical amount of turmeric.

Yes, high-quality liposomal curcumin is safe for long-term use. It often contains lower oxalate levels, reducing the risk of kidney stones

Manna Liposomal Curcumin offers superior bioavailability, ensuring you get the most out of each dose. It is made with high-quality ingredients and is easy to digest.

Everyone will experience results differently and in their own timeline. We’ve had countless testimonials from customers stating they felt better within days of their first serving, while some state they felt a difference about a month after their first dose. 

For others, however, they may not experience a discernible change in how they feel, but they know the product is providing protection to their health that is long-term and proactive. Most of our customers use Liposomal Curcumin and our other products as long-term investments in their future health and understand the importance of a lifetime supplementation program.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website is not a substitute for medical advice.

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