Why Your Vitamins and Minerals Need Liposomes

Yellow oil droplets dispersed on a white background.

We all want to be our healthiest selves and a great way to maintain your body is through proper nutrition. We often assume we’re getting enough of the nutrients we need to stay healthy from the food we eat.  But the scary truth is, most people are deficient in at least one major nutrient. In fact, over 40% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, and that’s just one example [1]. These nutritional deficiencies can creep up on you, and can have devastating impacts on your health.

Nutritional supplements have been well proven to combat deficiencies and to boost the intake of nutrients that offer preventative benefits well beyond those of a standard diet.

While supplements are a great way to restore healthy levels of vital nutrients to the body, not all supplements are created equal. 

Comparison of regular vitamin c absorption at 20% and liposomal vitamin c absorption at 90% with enhanced bioavailability.

Researchers have determined that the most effective way to take many supplements is through liposomal encapsulation [2]. This cutting-edge nutrient delivery method holds promising potential for a variety of applications in the pharmaceutical and medical fields, as well as in supplements! At Manna we have used this incredible innovation to create our NANOFUSE® Liposomal Technology, in order to give you the highest quality and most absorbable supplements on the market today.

But first, let’s start with the basics.

What Is A Liposome?

A liposome is a small, round particle made of phospholipid molecules. These phospholipids are a type of fat molecule that also make up many of the cells in our bodies. 

Graphic illustrating the different components of a liposome.

Liposomes can wrap around nutrients, like Vitamin C. The nutrients that are wrapped inside become more bioavailable, or easier for your body to absorb and use. Because liposomes are composed of the same substance as our body’s own cells, they are absorbed more effectively because they are recognized as cells, not as an outside substance to be eliminated from the body.

Essentially, liposomes protect the “active ingredient” inside. This encapsulation forms a barrier around the active ingredient that acts as a protective shield while the nutrient travels through the digestive system. The acids in the stomach that help to break down food can also destroy an unprotected nutrient while it travels to the small intestine for absorption into the bloodstream. 

Graphic illustrating how liposomes release vitamin c to the interior of a cell.

Just how vulnerable are unprotected nutrients? Well, studies have shown that between 30 and 50 percent of some supplements like Vitamin C are not absorbed by the body and are excreted [3]. This means that roughly half of the nutrients ingested are not being fully absorbed and are turned into waste.

This can certainly be a frustrating realization – not only are you wasting money on pill & powdered supplements, but you’re missing out on crucial health benefits.

What Are Liposomes Used For?

Researchers have been studying liposomes since the 1960s. They have discovered that when used as the vehicle for delivering medicine, liposomes have many advantages over traditional oral delivery methods, such as pressed pills or chewable tablets.  

Scientist using a pipette to transfer liquid to a test tube in a laboratory setting.

Liposomes are currently being utilized in all kinds of places, and are showing promising results in a number of studies.

Liposomes are widely used in pharmaceutical and supplement formulations to enhance the delivery of certain compounds, helping protect them from breakdown in the stomach. This technology allows for improved absorption of ingredients that might otherwise be unstable or poorly absorbed.

The protective barrier formed by liposomes ensures that the drug remains intact on its journey through the body, and gets where it needs to go. This unique skill is why liposomes are the latest and greatest when it comes to supplements.

Why Are Liposomes Such a Good Delivery Method For Vitamins?

Liposomes are experts at behaving in a way that your body recognizes. Since your body doesn’t feel threatened by the presence of liposomes, it doesn’t attempt to get rid of them like it normally would. Cells welcome them in, instead of trying to keep them out. This ability allows the nutrients wrapped inside to travel safely and ultimately absorb better. In other words, they help to optimize bioavailability.

Liposomal technology is extremely versatile in the world of supplements and can be used for both fat-soluble and water-soluble nutrients. Water-soluble vitamins are easily dissolved in water while fat-soluble supplements are more like oil and won’t dissolve in water. 

The body doesn’t store water-soluble vitamins very well, and they are often washed out before your body can absorb them. On the other hand, many fat-soluble vitamins are also not absorbed well without the presence of fat in the bloodstream and could be washed away just the same. 

That’s where liposomes come in. Since their structure is so similar to your body’s own cells, liposomes are able to provide the ideal level of protection. Nutrients are protected from harm as they work their way through the digestive system, and are also able to bypass the cell’s defenses before the body rejects them entirely.

Thanks to liposomes, nutrients remain intact until they are ready to be accepted by your body, helping to defeat the challenges posed by both types of vitamins.

Conclusion: What You Need to Know

With the continued and promising research that is being conducted, liposomes are well on their way to becoming one of the best ways to administer a variety of nutrients and medicines.  

Incredible benefits that were once exclusive to pharmaceuticals can now be shared by all with liposomal supplements. No more wasting time on supplements that your body doesn’t know how to absorb properly. It’s time to rethink your vitamins.

Unfortunately, many other companies know that their supplements don’t work as well as they’ve led you to believe. While they are well aware that liposomal supplements can provide more benefit to you, they are unwilling to invest the time and money into creating a better supplement that will ultimately cut into their bottom line. They are simply relying on you not knowing the difference.

At Manna, we are truly Vitamins Evolved. Right from the start, we have been committed to creating only the highest quality, unique and most effective supplements with our NANOFUSE® Liposomal Technology – because you deserve better. 

Equation indicating that the by adding a liposome, indicated by the chemical structure, and nanosizing together, you get NANOFUSE technology.

Now that you have the inside scoop on how much of a difference liposomes can make in your supplement routine, feel like you’re ready for a change? Whether you’re new to supplementing or you’re looking to replace your outdated vitamins, Manna has you covered. Ditch those pill and powder supplements, and see the Manna difference for yourself.

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6075634/
  2. Liposomes as Advanced Delivery Systems for Nutraceuticals, Integr Med (Encinitas); 15(1): 33-36
  3. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website is not a substitute for medical advice.

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