Forget Fad Diets: These are the Ultimate Nutrients for Weight Loss

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When was the last time you went on a diet? Actually, that’s the wrong question. When was the first time you went on a diet? Do you remember how many times you’ve tried to lose that weight and keep it off? Most of us know that dieting just doesn’t work. But we keep trying anyway—and that’s not a bad thing. The drive to live a healthier lifestyle is something to be proud of. Unfortunately, the diet industry loves to take advantage of that by trying to sell you the next big diet secret. 

But the real secret is that there is no secret. The ingredients you need to lose weight have always been right in front of you. They’re at the farmers’ market, in the produce aisle and in that multivitamin you always forget to take. There are certain nutrients that spark metabolism, burn fat, and boost energy levels. And there’s plenty of science to back them up—unlike fad diets 

For example, did you know that drinking 4 cups of green tea per day can help you burn an extra 100 calories [1]? That’s an extra 3000 calories—or about a pound of weight—burned per month. By making some simple changes in your life, you can replace fat-accumulating ingredients with fat-burning nutrients—no dieting necessary. You’ll find some helpful tips and powerful weight-loss nutrients below. 

forks with different vegetables

These Nutrients Help You Lose Weight

Your diet shouldn’t be a burden in your life. And you shouldn’t have to count calories as if they were adding to your credit card debt. Your food should contribute to a healthy weight and metabolism. Unfortunately, most of the food that Americans eat is terrible for metabolic health, such as refined flour, sugary drinks, fried food, processed food, and processed oils. Replace those metabolic blockers with some of the nutrients below to kick your fat-burning engines back into gear.

peppers and spices


You may not have heard of capsaicin, but you’ve definitely felt it on your tongue. It’s the compound in chili peppers that causes spicy heat. But it doesn’t just turn up the heat in your mouth. According to studies, it invigorates your entire body into burning more calories. Capsaicin causes the body to use more oxygen and energy, which greatly impacts stored fat. 

The scientific term for “fat burning” is actually “fat oxidation.” When fat is oxidized, it breaks down and becomes energy. Capsaicin has been found to cause sustained fat oxidation, and scientists believe it’s one of the best ingredients for weight loss [2]. If you love spicy food, you’re in luck. Anything that turns up the heat (and is made with chilies) will supercharge your metabolism. But, make sure you’re eating healthy spicy dishes like fresh salsa or Thai curry. Avoid spicy foods that are fried or made with processed ingredients. Also, avoid hot sauces made with lots of sugar and oil. A basket of hot wings won’t help you lose weight!  

tea pot and tea on a cutting board

Green Tea 

Green tea has long been considered a delicious cup of holistic health. It’s packed with antioxidants and vitamins, and it’s been found to improve heart health, brain health, inflammation, and a lot more. But it’s also one of the most-studied weight loss ingredients. In one study, participants who drank green tea burned an extra 183 calories per day compared to those who didn’t indulge in the green elixir [3].

Why is green tea so good for weight loss? It contains a number of powerful weight-loss nutrients, including caffeine, catechin, and EGCG. Caffeine speeds up the metabolism, and the latter ingredients promote greater fat burn from within. If you want to benefit from the fat-burning effects of green tea, you should drink at least 4 cups a day. And don’t buy the processed stuff with sugar in it. Brew it and drink it like a cup of coffee.  

green smoothie

Bitter Melon

Bitter melon is a type of vegetable that looks like a cucumber. It’s not very popular in America for one obvious reason—it tastes really bitter. Bitter melon supplements are a lot easier to take, and studies have found them to be highly effective at burning fat. Bitter melon has also been found to increase metabolism in the liver, which may reduce cholesterol [4]. If you really want to try some bitter melon, don’t eat it raw (it’s harmless, but you’ll regret it). Fry it up with some chilies and potatoes for a weight-loss dish that packs a punch! 

measuring tape on top of a fruit salad in a bowl

Acetyl-L Carnitine

Acetyl-l carnitine is an ingredient commonly found in gym-goers’ protein powders and shakes. Why? Because it encourages lean muscle growth and helps the body burn more fat. That’s an incredible combo for weight loss because muscle is the body’s primary metabolic tissue. In plain English: the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn each day. 

So, Acetyl-l carnitine doesn’t just burn fat. It also empowers your body to become a more efficient fat-burning machine on its own. Studies have found that acetyl-l carnitine significantly decreased body weight, BMI, and fat mass in participants [5]. It’s one of the most important nutrients for weight loss, but unfortunately for many, it’s mainly found in animal products like red meat and chicken. You can get a little from avocado and asparagus, but if you’re veg or vegan, you may want to take a supplement. 

turmeric, ginger, lemon and honey


6-paradol might sound the like a code word from a James Bond movie, but it’s actually a common ingredient in ginger and certain seeds. We’ve always known that ginger is super healthy, but science has confirmed that 6-paradol plays a large role in its benefits. And its role in fat burning and suppression is unlike any other weight loss nutrient.  

6-paradol works at a genetic level, decreasing genetic expressions that cause your body to synthesize unhealthy fats. This means that 6-paradol may prevent your body from gaining weight in the first place. In fact, studies have found that 6-paradol decreased body weight gain in animal subjects [6]. Researchers are hopeful that this nutrient can regulate obesity genes and stop excess fat at the source. 6-paradol is found in very few foods, but you can add ginger to your tea or salads to get a boost. 

a notepad with nutrition plan written as the headline, surrounded by prepped meals

Optimizing Weight Loss Nutrition with “Active Fusion” 

Active fusion is a pharmaceutical term that basically describes how the Power Rangers defeat all of their enemies. On their own, they’re not strong enough. But when they combine forces, they become extra powerful. Active fusion in nutrition means taking a little bit of a bunch of healthy nutrients to create an extra potent effect. It may be one of the best ways to turn weight-loss nutrients into real results. But, it’s not easy to get all of those nutrients in your diet each day.

They do a pretty good job of it in Italy, Spain, and France where the Mediterranean diet dominates. This diet is packed with healthy, fat-burning nutrients, and as a result, these countries have the lowest rates of obesity in Europe [7]. In America, it’s not as easy to eat fresh fish, olive oil, and local produce daily. But, you may still be able to achieve the Mediterranean effect by taking a supplement designed to promote active fusion. 

Manna Lipo Lean does just that. It contains all of the fat-burning ingredients above plus many more in a single dose. So, instead of eating bitter melon and hot peppers every day, you can get a highly bioavailable dose of weight-loss nutrition without making drastic changes to your diet. The best part is that the nutrients in Lipo Lean are not “weight loss secrets.” They’re natural ingredients that promote body-wide well-being. They’re antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, energy-enhancing, brain-boosting super foods. So, if you’ve been trying to slim down and it just isn’t working, drop the diet and focus on real nutrition with Lipo Lean.

healthy diet written in block letters surrounded by fruits, veggies and meats

To Lose Weight, Focus on Your Diet—Not Dieting

Diets are full of big claims, but they come up short on scientific evidence. Why try a fad diet pill when you could empower your body with actual nutrition? Not only that but the nutrients above have been studied thoroughly for their fat-burning properties. It’s easy to believe the hype, but there’s a reason that diets still come and go every year—they’re too good to be true. Real nutrition paired with healthy habits like exercise and restful sleep is the key to slimming down and staying healthy. While it’s not always easy to change your habits, it’s simple to add weight loss nutrition to your diet with Manna Lipo Lean. 


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website is not a substitute for medical advice.

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