
Supplement Taking Tips: The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Vitamins

A woman smiling while preparing to take liquid from a spoon, holding a bottle labeled as a multivitamin supplement.

Taking supplements is an easy way to empower your diet with foundational nutrition and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to keep you feeling great. But taking supplements requires dedication and consistency. It isn’t enough to pop a vitamin when you’re feeling low-energy—you’ve got to take supplements the right way in order to get the best results. 

It’s a bit like going to the gym. You can’t just pick up a dumbbell and swing it around any way you want. You need to move your body the right way to build muscle and burn fat, AND be consistent with it throughout your lifetime. Taking supplements works the same way, which is why some people don’t get the results they’re looking for; they have no plan and they don’t stick with it Lucky for you, the team at Manna are the personal trainers of the supplement world, and we’re going to provide the tips you need to take your supplements for maximum gains.  

Supplement Do’s and Don’ts: Get the Results You Want from Your Vitamins

Follow the advice below to make the most of your vitamins. Remember that not all vitamins are the same and some may have special instructions, so make sure to read the label and/or talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement. 

5 Do’s When Taking Supplements

The word "Habits" spelled out in wooden blocks.

1. DO make it a daily habit.

Your body needs essential nutrition every single day to perform its daily tasks. So, if you’re taking a supplement for a nutrient you don’t get enough of in your diet, you need to take it daily. Other nutrients, such as Vitamin C, are not easily stored by the body, so you need to take them every day to maintain optimal concentrations [1].

Older man using reading glasses to read the back off a pill bottle.

2. DO use supplements as instructed.

Always read the instructions and supplement facts panel on the supplement packaging. They will tell you how to maximize the bioavailability of the active ingredients. For example, they may instruct you to take the vitamin with a meal or to avoid foods that prevent the nutrient from doing its job.  

Hour glass with the sand about to run out.

3. DO be patient.

Just like at the gym, getting visible results from your vitamins takes time. This is especially true if you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral. It can take up to 3 months to overcome a nutrient deficiency [2]. 

A water bottle, running shoes, a dumbbell, a banana, a salad, and a glass of juice on a light blue wooden surface.

4. DO make healthy lifestyle changes.

Supplements are part of a healthy lifestyle—not a replacement for it. To maximize the effect of your vitamins, accompany them with healthy choices like regular exercise and a consistent sleep schedule. It’s especially important to cut back on drinking and smoking, both of which can impede your body’s ability to absorb nutrients [3,4].

Woman looking off in the distance inquisitively while sitting on the couch.

5. DO reassess your health goals.

As your life changes, so do your health goals. It’s important to adjust your supplements based on your choices and your environment. For example, you may want to take a Vitamin D supplement during the darker, winter months to make up for the lack of sun exposure. Women trying to get pregnant may choose to take a DHA supplement, an essential omega-3 for fetal development [5]. And those going through menopause might take a calcium supplement to protect against osteoporosis [6].  

6 Don’ts When Taking Supplements

Four different spoon sizes filled with beads to show different serving sizes.

1. DON’T take inconsistent serving sizes.

When it comes to supplements, more is not always better. If you miss a day, don’t double your dosage. And don’t assume that a 1000mg dosage is better than 100mg when shopping for supplements. The quality of a vitamin or mineral source is often more important than the quantity per serving. Natural nutrients are part of a matrix of compounds that affect bioavailability. Supplement brands like Manna consider this when formulating their products. Other brands may offer high doses of isolated nutrients without including critical support ingredients. 

A finish line in the foreground with three women running towards it in the background.

2. DON’T feel discouraged early on.

If your supplements don’t have an immediate effect on your mental and physical health, don’t feel discouraged. If your body is lacking a certain nutrient, it might take up to three months to get your levels back to normal. Other supplements simply take time to work, such as collagen. Studies have suggested that taking collagen supplements can visibly improve skin, hair, and nails—but around 8-12 weeks of consistent supplementation are required to see results [7,8]. 

A woman talking to her doctor while he takes notes on a clipboard.

3. DON’T take a new supplement without talking to your doctor.

Supplements are considered safe to consume because they are extensions of a healthy diet, but we always suggest checking with your doctor prior to taking a supplement you’ve never taken before or if you are unsure about how it will interact with any of your current medical care. This is especially true if you’re pregnant, nursing, have dietary restrictions or taking any medication. 

Woman holding a paper bag filled with fresh groceries including bread, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, and lemon.

4. DON’T replace a healthy diet with supplements.

They’re called “supplements” for a reason. They supplement your diet—they don’t replace it. A healthy diet provides a lot of the nutrition you need. Supplements are there to enhance your healthy choices and fill in any cracks. For example, if you don’t eat meat, you may want to take a B complex supplement or a zinc supplement to support a vegetarian diet. If you don’t eat many leafy greens, a magnesium supplement can help fill in that nutritional gap.      

Woman shopping in a pharmacy aisle, reading the back of a boxed product in her hands.

5. DON’T assume all supplements are created equal.

Supplement brands have very little oversight, and they do not require FDA approval. So, many brands use poor ingredients that barely affect your health, low or ineffective dosages, and some supplements contain harmful additives [9]. It’s important to choose a supplement brand with a basis in science, transparency and whole-food ingredient sourcing. Manna is proud to produce scientifically formulated supplements in an FDA-registered and Good Manufacturing Practices-compliant facility. We believe in maximizing health—not profits. So, we only use the highest quality natural ingredients with no fillers or unnecessary additives. Learn more about the Manna story here.  

People cheering, with the focus on a young man and woman.

6. DON’T give up!

Think of something you started in the past but gave up on. Maybe a sport, hobby or musical instrument?  Now, think if you hadn’t quit and how proud you’d be today that you stuck with it.  Stick with using your supplements every day and your future body will thank you for taking such good care of it! 

A hand pouring a liquid meal replacement from a bottle into a glass.

Consistency is Key in Getting Results from Supplements 

You may have noticed a trend in our do’s and don’ts above: Consistency is the most important part of your supplement routine. Much like going to the gym, visiting just once doesn’t do much good. The real benefits come from consistent healthy choices over time. When taking supplements, it’s critical to maintain a daily routine to keep your body empowered with the health you need.

That’s why Manna offers subscriptions on all of our supplements and bundles. When you subscribe, we’ll ship you a monthly supply of our highly bioavailable liposomal products  every 30, 60 or 90 days—you don’t have to lift a finger. Even better, you’ll save 20% on every order just by subscribing. It’s the easiest way to maintain a regular supplement routine that delivers real results. 

Woman pouring a bottle of Liposomal Curcumin into a glass of water on the kitchen counter.

Get Better Results from Your Effort and Money

The do’s and don’ts on the lists above will help you get more nutrition each time you take your supplements while avoiding dangerous and money-wasting mistakes. But even our tips won’t do much good unless you choose a high-quality supplement brand that maximizes bioavailability. Manna vitamins are formulated with real nutrients and protected by liposomes, helping you absorb up to 10x more nutrition with every dose. Good supplement habits, Manna vitamins and positive lifestyle choices—that’s the recipe for getting the best results from your supplement routine.  


The best way to take supplements is to be consistent. Establishing a routine can help you maintain a steady level of nutrients in your body, which enhances their effectiveness. Try to take your supplements at the same time each day, possibly linking them with a regular daily activity, like eating breakfast or getting ready for bed. This not only helps in forming a habit but also ensures that you don’t forget to take them. Additionally, follow the dosage recommendations on the label or those given by your healthcare provider to maximize benefits.

When taking supplements, avoid taking more than the recommended dosage as it can lead to toxicity or adverse effects. Also, be cautious of potential interactions with prescription medications. For instance, vitamin K can affect blood thinners like warfarin. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are on medication.

Deciding whether you need to take a vitamin supplement should start with assessing your diet and health needs. If you suspect your diet may be lacking in certain nutrients, or if you have specific health conditions that increase your nutrient needs, a supplement might be beneficial. Common indicators might be feeling constantly tired, hair loss, or frequent sickness. You can take our quiz to help you get started! Additionally, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider who can recommend tests to identify any deficiencies and suggest the most appropriate supplements based on your individual health profile and dietary intake.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website is not a substitute for medical advice.

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